The Kinship Method – The Last Session

24 January9 February 2020
Previous exhibition

Photo: Karin Björkqvist

Dare we explore our inner designer? Five designers are challenged to break patterns for a year to find new forms and working methods. At Sven-Harrys Konstmuseum, the last stage of an experiment in alternative design was carried out.

How strongly are we tied to our own design language? In a group experiment, Fredrik Paulsen, Mia Cullin, Andreas Nobel, Erik Björk and Margot Barolo challenged each other in the art of letting go and appearing without prestige but curious. The last stage of the project is carried out in the exhibition The Kinship Method – The Last Session through, among other things, a final joint group conversation.
Conversation between designers who are part of the group working with The Kinship method. Photo: Karin Björkqvist

The Kinship Method 

The process was laid out in three steps. It began individually with desiging one chair each, where none of the designers were allowed to share each other's results until the chairs were ready. Then they gathered with the results for a group discussion where they reflected together: What happens to the forms, what happens inside us and what can we learn? Then each designer randomly took care of one of the chairs to use 20-40% of its shapes for a new chair followed by another group discussion. Everything was repeated a third time. Parts, fragments and expressions are thereby inherited from the previous generation. All under time pressure and without insight into what the other did. Now there have been three generations with a total of fifteen chairs that are related to each other.

Photo: Karin Björkqvist
Photo: Karin Björkqvist

The project takes on several different topics such as heritage and the environment, copyright, collaboration, alternative languages and design methods and takes place with support from Beckmans School of Design as part of their investment in artistic development and research. Between January 24 and February 9, 2020, the final phase of the project was carried out with, among other things, a last meal and group discussions where they processed thoughts, possible difficulties and insights together. After the project visited Sven-Harrys Konstmuseum, the work continued to compile it and resulted, among other things, in a book designed by Samira Bouabana, graphic designer.

Photo: Karin Björkqvist