Humanitet – The Power of Art in Difficult Times
8 April—11 September 2022
Previous exhibition

8 April—11 September 2022
Humanity - The Power of Art in Difficult Times, tells a unique story that is not so well known to the general public; namely the one about how our most popular Swedish artists Vera Nilsson (1888 – 1979), Sven Xet Erixson (1899 – 1970), Bror Hjorth (1894 – 1968) and Albin Amelin (1902 – 1975) early took a stand against fascism and nazism through using the power of the images.
Humanitet was published as a direct reaction to the news of Hitler's rise to power in Germany. Led by, among others, Amelin and Xet Erixson, a group of artists worked together 17 linocuts with messages and a call to offer resistance. In order to reach as many people as possible with the understanding of what was at stake, they created art with a political sharpness and commitment that was groundbreaking in Swedish art. The last decade's movements in the political landscape have rekindled an interest in the political movements of the 1930s, and we can also see parallels with the digital age's use of image-based media to achieve a wide impact for ideas and social currents.
The exhibition presents painting, sculpture, drawing and graphics by the four artists. It offers a fond re-examination of timeless works for a wide audience, and gives new generations the chance to discover the classic artistry. The exhibition Humanity - The Power of Art in Difficult Times highlights the artists' contemporaries, provides a context for dialogue with history and an opportunity to learn from the keenest observers of the time.
The exhibition is produced by
Sven-Harrys Konstmuseum in collaboration with guest curator Paulina Sokolow.