Kraftverk – Crafts for a New Age

5 October 202222 January 2023
Previous exhibition

Vibrant colors at the florist's, at the ax maker's the smell of wood and metal and at the tattoo artist's you can hear the buzz of the needle. During the autumn, sparks fly around Sven-Harrys Konstmuseum when craftsmen from 10 different professions literally move in with the exhibition Kraftverk - Crafts for a New Age. Visitors are welcomed into their (temporary) workshops at the museum to experience the power and feeling of modern Swedish craftsmanship. A craft that carries on traditions but is at the same time firmly rooted in its contemporaries.

The exhibition Kraftverk - Crafts for a New Age is a collaboration with the long-standing Stockholms Handverksförening, which turns 175 this year. The exhibition highlights the historical importance of the craft and all the craftsmen who continue to keep old traditions alive and about a unique professional know-how. The visitor will see, feel, smell, listen and taste as they dive into the different worlds of the artisans.

The exhibition presents ax makers, tattoo artists, florists, tailors, wallpaper makers, illustrators, paper creators, mural painters, cobblers and doll makers - all artisans who carry on the tradition in different ways.

All participating craftsmen in the exhibition
Ax maker: Julia Kalthoff
Tattoo artist: Sofie Needles, Ronny Hill
Florist: Atelier Fleur, Jill Windahl, Johanna Larsson
Tailors: Remake, Marie Teike, Andreas Mehrstedt
Wallpaper makers: Mats Qwarfordt, Sara Lundström
Illustrator: Erica Jacobson
Paper creator: Sofia Vusir Jansson
Mural painter: Sthlm Murals
Shoemakers: Matilda Sandström, Younés Othman
Doll maker: Arne Högsander

Om Stockholms Hantverksförening
Stockholms Hantverksförening bildades år 1847 som en manifestation för hantverkets betydelse i det moderna samhället och för hur huvudstaden och dess hantverkare lever i symbios. I 175 år har Stockholms Hantverksförening verkat för ett Stockholm i utveckling. Med sin hantverksskicklighet har medlemmarna byggt Stockholm till den vackra stad den är. I dag är föreningens arbete minst lika betydelsefullt. I Stockholms Hantverksförening samlas fler än 300 olika hantverksyrken och inom föreningens egen skola Hantverksakademin utbildas hantverkare i ett 80-tal yrken.

About Stockholms Handverksförening
Stockholm's Handicrafts Association was founded in 1847 as a manifestation of the importance of craftsmanship in modern society and how the capital city and its craftsmen live in symbiosis. For 175 years, Stockholm's Handicrafts Association has worked for a developing Stockholm. With their craftsmanship, the members have built Stockholm into the beautiful city it is. Today, the association's work is at least as important. More than 300 different craft trades come together in the Stockholm Handcrafts Association, and within the association's own school, the Handcrafts Academy, craftsmen are trained in around 80 trades.

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