Artist Talk with Eija-Liisa Ahtila

29 August 2024

kl 18-19

Eija-Liisa Ahtila is one of the Nordic region's most recognized contemporary artists. Her work explores the intersections of image, language, narrative, and space, often probing individual identity and the boundaries of the subject in relation to the external world. Through large-scale installations featuring split-screen projections on multiple panels, Ahtila employs the visual language of cinema to create immersive experiences that challenge and subvert traditional notions of storytelling and perception.

During her evening at Sven-Harrys, Ahtila will let us in on her work and the world of ecological narrating. Read her own words about the evening here.

The evening is included in the entrance fee.
The event is made possible with support from Kulturfonden Sweden and Finland.